18650 battery parameters.
18650 lithium-ion battery brand standard physical parameters:
Type - Sealed cylindrical, rechargeable lithium-ion battery brand;
Model - ICR18650;
Nominal voltage -3.6V;
Weight - approximately 45g;
Charging voltage - -4.200 ± 0.049V;
Minimum discharge termination voltage - -2.75V;
Maximum charging termination voltage - -4.23V;
Maximum continuous charging current - -1500mA;
Maximum continuous discharge current - -3000mA;
Size (including heat shrink jacket)
Diameter: d - -18.0 ± 0.2mm;
Height: h -65.0 ± 0.5mm;
Minimum capacity -2000mAh;
Maximum capacity -3400mAh;
Internal resistance (20 ℃± 5 ℃, measured after fully charged) - less than 80mQ;
Charging conditions: 20 ℃± 5 ℃;
Standard charging -1000mA to 4.2V, 4.2V constant voltage to current less than 20mA;
Fast charging -1500mA to 4.2V, 4.2V constant voltage to current less than 20mA;
Usage environment (recommended)
Storage - Temperature (15-35 ℃);
Relative humidity (45-75%);
Atmospheric pressure (86-106kPa);
Discharge - -20 to 60 ℃;
Standard charging -0 to 45 ℃;
Relative humidity -<93%;

Atmospheric pressure -86 to 106 kPa;
Standard testing environment (unless otherwise required)
Temperature -20 ℃± 5 ℃;
Relative humidity -45 ± 20%;