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Is it safe to assemble polymer lithium batteries by themselves?

Author : Battsysbattery
Is it safe to assemble polymer lithium batteries by themselves?

1. Data calculation
When assembling polymer lithium battery suppliers, first calculate the product size and required load capacity of the customized lithium battery pack according to the needs, and then calculate the capacity of the customized lithium battery pack to be assembled based on the required capacity of the product. Then, select the customized lithium battery according to the calculation results.

2. Prepare materials
Choose a good lithium battery customization manufacturer and purchase polymer lithium battery suppliers with quality assurance. Don't be tempted by cheap prices. After all, when assembling batteries, if there are problems during the assembly process, customizing lithium batteries may pose a danger.
Battsys Polymer lithium batteries
In addition to reliable polymer lithium battery suppliers, there is also a need for excellent battery balance protection boards. In the current market, the quality of protective boards varies greatly, and there are also simulated batteries that are difficult to distinguish from the appearance. If you want to make a selection, it is better to choose digital circuit control.

The container for the fixed polymer lithium battery supplier also needs to be prepared to prevent any changes when the customized lithium battery pack is arranged and moved. The material for isolating customized strings of lithium batteries and bonding every two lithium batteries together with adhesive such as silicone rubber for better fixation effect. In addition to these main materials, other materials can also be prepared for use in assembling customized lithium battery packs.

3. Specific steps for customized assembly of lithium batteries
First, customize the lithium batteries and arrange them neatly, then use materials to fix each string of lithium batteries.

After fixing each string of customized lithium batteries, use insulation materials such as barley paper to separate each string of customized lithium batteries to prevent damage to the outer skin of the customized lithium batteries and the occurrence of short circuits in the future.

After arranging and fixing, the nickel strip can be used for the main series connection step. After completing the steps, only the subsequent processing is left to wrap up. Use tape to customize and bundle the lithium battery, and cover the positive and negative electrodes with barley paper first to prevent errors in subsequent operations that may cause short circuits.

So can we assemble polymer lithium battery suppliers ourselves, and how is their safety?

For many lithium battery enthusiasts who want to assemble polymer lithium batteries themselves but lack professional experience, the biggest challenge they encounter is how to assemble them themselves. In fact, whether it is customized lithium battery packs or used in our daily lives or industrial fields, their safety issues must be taken seriously. At the same time, the safety technology of customized lithium battery packs also needs to be continuously improved.

Polymer lithium battery suppliers do not recommend personal assembly. Because personal assembly does not have professional equipment to check whether the quality is safe, and the quality of the protective board is also good or bad, it is not known whether the quality claimed by the merchant is true, so professional equipment is also needed for testing and repeated verification.

Customized assembly of lithium batteries also requires various accessories, such as nickel sheets and various cables. Whether the matching and overcurrent capacity are suitable requires professional personnel to match and measure, and it is not something you can learn after just a few chemistry classes. Even the best customized lithium battery assembly cannot achieve the best performance of the battery if installed incorrectly. At the same time, polymer lithium battery suppliers have a barrel effect and need to ensure that each battery cell is of high quality.

Is the assembly process of polymer lithium battery suppliers safe?
At present, there are indeed deficiencies in the safety performance of polymer lithium battery suppliers. Customized lithium batteries have high environmental requirements, and even slight environmental discomfort can cause fires or explosions. They cannot be used casually like lead-acid batteries. So non professionals are advised not to assemble customized lithium battery packs without authorization.

Generally speaking, safety issues during the customized assembly process of lithium batteries manifest as combustion or even explosion. The root cause of these problems lies in the thermal runaway inside the battery. In addition, some external factors such as overcharging, fire sources, compression, puncture, short circuits, etc. can also lead to safety issues.

After production, polymer lithium battery suppliers need to conduct a series of tests before reaching consumers to ensure the safety of the battery and reduce safety hazards as much as possible.

Customized lithium battery packs have expanded their application scope to various fields in just a few years, and their presence can be seen everywhere. However, when we use customized lithium battery packs, we must pay attention to safety, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable.
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